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We Provide the Best Tutoring Service

How LearnKebet Works

1. Request

Select the subject you are interested in under the searching tab above. Request a tutor and we’ll have him or her contact you. Our tutor profiles include photos, education, qualifications, and a tutor bio.

2. Start Learning

Create a login and schedule a tutoring session based on a time that works for everyone. We accommodate all scheduling requests – even weekends!

3. Review

One-on-one tutoring is the most effective way to learn. At the end of your session, we will ask you to rate your experience.



$15 -$50/hr

All Tutors are Guaranteed by Us

Why Use LearnKebet

Mathematics, Science, Music instruments, Languages

Tutor and Trainings


Algebra I and II, Trigonometry


SQL, Tableau, AWS, Basic Skill


Keyboard and Guitar for all


Elementary, Middle School and Highschool


English, Spanish, Amharic and Geez